Corporate comic books

Your message as a comic

At Levende Streg, we offer digital comics to companies that want to communicate their messages in an innovative and engaging way.

Our digital comics combine the best of visual storytelling and technology to create an unforgettable experience for your audience.

What are corporate comics?

Corporate comics are custom comics designed for companies. They are used to communicate the company’s history, values, products or services in a way that captures and maintains the attention of the target audience.

The benefit of digital business comics?

Digital corporate comic books are more popular with companies. Why?

Because when you are faced with communicating complex processes, visual tools and simple graphics can be essential to convey your message.

Interactive digitale cartoons

Interactive comics allow users to interact with elements such as clickable links, animations, audio and videos:

  • Clickable Links: Users can click on specific areas of the comic and go to related pages or trigger actions.
  • Animations: Comics can contain animated sequences that bring the story to life and make it more exciting and dynamic.
  • Sound and Music: Integrating a soundtrack or voice-over can enhance the reading experience and create a more immersive atmosphere.
  • Quizzes and Questions: You can include quizzes that test the reader’s understanding and provide instant feedback.
  • User input: Users can participate in the story by making choices that affect the course of the story, providing a personalized experience.

What is the benefit of digital business cartoons?

Corporate cartoons are created through a carefully planned process that ensures that your company’s message is conveyed effectively through digital visual communication. From idea development and script writing to sketching, storyboarding and final production, we make sure to deliver a high-quality product.

Digital business comics offer a number of benefits:

  • Simplifying complex information: Cartoons can explain complex topics in a simple and easy-to-understand way, making it easier for the audience to understand and remember the message.
  • Interactivity: Interactive comics allow users to interact with the content, increasing engagement and involvement.
  • Easy to read and remember: Comics are a grateful medium that works well for people with both good and poor reading skills. They are also easy to translate into language versions.
  • Increased engagement: The comics capture attention with their visual appeal and narrative strength.
  • Accessibility: They are easy to distribute online, making them accessible to a wide audience.
  • Customization: They can be tailored to match the company’s branding and message.

How do comics work for businesses?

Business cartoons work by simplifying complex messages and presenting them in an engaging way. The visual elements and the stories make it easier for the audience to understand and remember the information.

Reading Comprehension and Engagement:

  • User Surveys: Conduct surveys and quizzes integrated into the comic to measure understanding of key messages.
  • Heatmaps: Use tools like Hotjar to create heatmaps that show where users click and spend the most time. This helps identify which areas engage users the most.
  • Session recording: Record user sessions to see how they interact with the comic. This can provide insight into user behavior and identify any issues or confusion.
  • Feedback forms: Include feedback forms or buttons in the comic so that users can provide direct input about their experience and understanding.

An animated comic?

An animated comic is a creative and dynamic way to tell a story using comic book elements.

This form of animation combines the visual aspects and narrative techniques of traditional comics with the movement and sound of animation, creating an engaging and visually stimulating experience.

The style is ideal for conveying complex concepts in an entertaining and easy-to-understand manner. 

Comics - speak the language of the brain

Recent brain research has shown that cartoons speak to the brain to a special degree. Sales of comic books and graphic novels are increasing worldwide.In North America alone, sales in 2016 were more than $1 billion.

Sales figure in 2016 of more than 1 billion dollars
0 $

Large global companies such as Google (th.), Zappos, Peugeot, Twitter and ebay already use corporate comic books both internally and externally as an active part of their communication and advertising.

Build brand awareness with corporate cartoon

Corporate cartoons are created through a carefully planned process that ensures that your company’s message is communicated effectively.

From idea development and script writing to sketching, storyboarding and final production, we make sure to deliver a high-quality product.

What are interactive comics?

Interactive comics are an advanced form of digital comics where readers can interact with the content. This can include clickable elements, animations and sound, all of which contribute to a more engaging experience.

What are cartoon animations?

Comic book animations bring cartoons to life using animation techniques that can be loaded (sometimes encoded or used as navigable video bits).

These animations are inserted on landing pages or in apps where the reader can interact with them.The animations are used to create dynamic and engaging videos that capture the audience’s attention.

Use Comics for sensitive topics

When explaining sensitive topics such as mental health, the workplace, diversity and inclusion, comics offer a unique approach:

  • Visual appeal: Comics are easy to read. They break down complex topics and make it easier for readers to understand and relate to the content.

  • Empathetic storytelling: Through characters and stories, comics create an emotional connection with readers.

  • Simplifying complex content: Comics can explain complex topics.

  • Normalizing the Topic: By explaining vulnerable topics through comics, you can normalize the conversation and reduce stigma.

  • Humor and relatability: Comics can use humor and everyday situations to make vulnerable subjects relatable and less scary.

comics for reading difficulties

Comics are a versatile and effective tool that can help people who have difficulty reading or who do not speak the native language of the country they work in:

  • Visual Support: Comics help readers understand the context and meaning, even if they have difficulty reading or fully understanding the language.

  • Simplicity and Clarity: The text in comics is short and precise. The images can also provide additional clarity and reduce the need for lengthy text explanations.

  • Contextual Clues: The pictures in comics help readers understand the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases.

  • Improved Memory: The combination of visual and textual elements helps improve memory and understanding of the content.

Cartoons for marketing - the new trend

Cartoons for marketing are a growing trend as they offer a unique way to present products and services.They can be used in campaigns, on social media and on websites to create awareness and engagement.

  • Storytelling: Cartoons can be used to tell a company’s story, explain products or services, and create emotional connections.

  • Campaigns and Promotions: Comics can be used in both online and offline media (SOME, websites, newsletters and printed advertisements, etc.).

  • Branding: Comics strengthen the brand and create differentiation.

  • Product Launches: Cartoons can be used to introduce new products or features.

  • Customer Engagement: Interactive comics can engage customers by allowing them to make choices or participate in the action.
  • Education and Information: Comics can be used to educate customers about complex topics or products.

  • Social Media: Shorter comic strips or panels are perfect for sharing on social media.

More benefits of cartoons

Are you ready to take your business communication to the next level with digital comics?

Powerful digital storytelling

Digital storytelling combines text, images and interactivity to tell a story online.

It is a powerful way of conveying messages as it engages the audience through multiple senses.

The brain loves stories

Visual storytelling is telling a story through visual media such as images, video and illustrations.

It is an effective way of communicating complex ideas and feelings in an easy-to-understand way.

Digital release

Digital publishing refers to the process of publishing content online.

Comics can be distributed globally without the need to print and distribute physical copies.

Cartoons for branding

Cartoons for branding help companies build their brand by telling their story in an engaging way.

They can be used to highlight the company’s values, mission and products.

Cartoons for teaching

Educational comics are an effective tool for learning as they combine text and images to make complex topics easier to understand.

They can be used in both school and company training.

Comics can be read online

Comics online are digital versions of traditional comics.

They can be read on computers, tablets and smartphones, making them accessible anywhere and anytime.

Video about comics

How to draw comics

Here you can watch one of our YouTube videos about the process of drawing digital comics for companies.

Video on comics

Draw Marvel comics

At Levende Streg, we are experts in cartoons for companies.

Get more clicks

CTR (Click through rate). Interactive comics offer an advanced way to present content. It allows users to interact with elements such as clickable links, animations, audio and videos, creating a deeper and more engaging experience. Here are some details on how interactivity in comics can increase engagement and involvement.

Tracking of Clicks (CTR) and Reading Comprehension

To measure the effectiveness of digital comics and understand how employees interact with the content, different technologies and methods can be used:


Use analytical tools such as Google Analytics, Hotjar or specific software solutions designed for interactive media.

Data collection

Track clicks on links and interactive elements in the comic to measure how often users engage with certain parts of the content.


Use the data to identify popular sections and understand which parts of the comic attract the most attention.

Remember 65% more

New studies show that participants who read only text remember 10 percent of what they read after three days. Those who see text paired with images remember 65 percent of the information three days later.

Remember 65% drawn
Remember 10% read

Studies have shown that a group that doodled during a test remembered 29 percent more information than those who didn’t. How much better it is if the pictures relate to what you are reading about.

Your project could look like this.

More and more companies make use of the facilitation of their processor – because it creates better communication.


At Levende Streg, we produce numerous corporate comics. Unfortunately, it’s often content we aren’t permitted to showcase on our website.

If you would like to see examples of these corporate comics and get a sense of our work, feel free to contact us to schedule a meeting.

You should get a comic

Where digital communication invites multitasking and rapid absorption of news, comics encourage immersion.

Comics work

Comics work because they are visually expressive and engaging for the reader. There are both illustrations and text, they are about emotions that are visually outlined, and the reader reads both horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

Comics are therefore well suited to convey a message where you want the recipient to go in depth in order to gain an understanding of important or complex details.

Deep reading

One of the obvious ways to use comics – is to actively use them in product development. You can e.g. test your product on potential customers.

And you can get important feedback before you touch a finger in product development. It saves thousands of kroner. Or you can use comics internally in that company to create understanding and common direction for a product development.

The sketch effect

Studies show that we humans can remember and understand better when we draw a picture of it.

This is because drawing combines three types of experiences: 1. the semantic, 2. the activation of the brain area motor cortex, and 3. what you see.

Visual - spatial - text

Comics are magical and resonate with the recipient – even if it is very complex material. According to recent research, comics require readers to create meaning using “multiple modalities.”

Readers of comics process all the different components—visual, spatial, and textual—of what they read. And the reader integrates these components into a solid understanding of the story.

Why you should get a corporate comic book

easy to understand

Where digital communication invites to multitasking and rapid absorption of news, comic books encourages the reader to indulge

Comic books can be read at a fast pace – but can also be read in a casual and lazy manner. The artwork is visually expressive and engaging for the reader. So a comic consist of both illustrations and text and the reader reads both horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

Comic books are great when you want to convey a complex message and you want your recipient to read in depth – to gain understanding of important or complex details. 

Test your product

One of the obvious ways to use comics is to actively use them in product development

You can, for example test your product with potential customers BEFORE YOU’VE EVEN CREATED IT! 

And you can get important feedback before you even touch a finger in product development stages. It saves thousands of dollars! 

Or you can use corporate comic books within the company to create understanding and common direction on a product or a strategy. 

The drawing effect

Studies show that we humans can better remember and understand when we make a drawing of it.

This is because drawing combines three types of experiences: 1. the semantic – where we create visual processes internally. 2. the activation of the brain area motor cortex – where all planned movement is simulated, practiced and understood in your brain. And 3. What you see when you look at a drawing.


Corporate comics can also be used as part of a change management process. And many of our customers have really taken a liking to that. By telling the story of what needs to change, why – and most importantly, what it means for each employee, you can create great understanding of a change management project. And you can get your staff on board and take ownership of the project – which is crucial for it’s success.

Contact us if you would like to hear more about what comics can do for your business. 

Maria Prohazka / CEO

(+45) 2818 8586

Marie Buus / Managing Partner

(+45) 2658 7434

FAQ - Ofte stillede spørgsmål

  • What is a comic?

    A comic book or comic book is a publication consisting of comic book art in the form of sequential juxtaposed panels representing individual scenes.

    Comics can be made in many different ways. The most commonly used are digital comic books (where the user reads the comic online via the app or landing page on his computer, ipad or phone) or printed printed matter - a comic book. One can e.g. also make cartoon like video with 3D effects.

    A digital cartoon that is read online also has sound effects, among other things - and is actually experienced as a film that you can scroll through.

  • What is a corporate comic?

    Corporate cartoons are custom cartoons designed to communicate a company's messages, values, products or services in a visual and engaging way. They are used for everything from internal communication and employee training to marketing and branding.

  • What the pricing of a corporate comic?

    The price of a comic book or comic varies a lot depending on how long it should be in terms of content - and the style also plays a big role. The more detailed the cartoon has to be, the more expensive it is to make.

    On average, a digital comic book (which is read online on a landing page) costs between DKK 75,000 - 100,000 (+ VAT) to make.

    Our digital comic books are coded in Unity and work across platforms and devices.

  • The benefits of a comics for companies?

    The benefits of a digital comic are many. A digital cartoon is clickable and SEO-friendly.

    This means you can track what your user is doing and how the comic is being read. At the same time, your comic book can be search optimized and the content can thus be read by search engines. This means a lot for both traffic and ranking on e.g. Google.

    In addition, comics are incredibly readable for your user. And you can customize the readability to fit exactly your target audience.

    In fact, a digital cartoon is reminiscent of a video with sound effects that can be read at the pace your reader chooses. This allows your reader to immerse themselves in your message - but also quickly get the big picture.

  • How can comics benefit my business?

    Cartoons can improve communication, increase engagement, make complex topics easier to understand and remember, and strengthen the company's brand. They are particularly effective at conveying information in a way that captures attention and makes the content more accessible to a wide audience.

  • How does the process of creating a business cartoon work?

    The process typically consists of six steps:

    1. Storyline: We define the message and goal of the cartoon.
    2. Manuscript: We write a detailed manuscript in collaboration with your company's experts.
    3. Sketches & Style: We develop sketches and determine the visual style.
    4. Storyboard: We redraw the sketches and color the storyboard.
    5. Production: We bring the illustrations and graphics to life.
    6. Delivery: We deliver the finished files in the desired formats.
  • Can comics be used to communicate complex topics?

    Yes, cartoons are excellent at simplifying and visualizing complex subjects. By combining text and images, comics can make it easier for readers to understand and remember information.

  • Are comics suitable for all audiences?

    Cartoons can be adapted to different target groups, including children, young people and adults. They can also be particularly useful for people with reading difficulties or for those who do not speak the native language of the country in which they work.

  • How can I measure the effectiveness of business cartoons?

    You can measure the effectiveness, among other things, by tracking engagement metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), time spent on the page, and completion rate. User surveys and feedback can also provide insight into how well the cartoons convey the message and are understood by the target audience.

  • Can comics be interactive?

    Yes, interactive comics can include clickable elements, animations, quizzes, and user input that increase engagement and involvement. This makes them particularly effective for learning and training.

  • How can comics be used for marketing?

    Cartoons can be used in marketing campaigns, on social media, on websites, and in newsletters to present products and services in an engaging way. They can also be used to create unique and memorable brand stories.

  • Is it expensive to produce corporate cartoons?

    The cost of producing business cartoons varies depending on the complexity and scope of the project. However, digital comics are often more cost-effective than many other forms of content, especially when considering their potential reach and engagement.

  • How long does it take to produce a corporate cartoon?

    Production time may vary depending on the complexity and scope of the project. A typical corporate cartoon can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to produce, depending on the level of detail and approval processes.

  • Can cartoons be used for internal communication and training?

    Yes, cartoons are ideal for internal communication and employee training. They can be used to explain procedures, safety routines, company values ​​​​and much more in a way that is easy to understand and remember.

  • How do you ensure that the comics fit our brand?

    We work closely with your company to understand your brand, values ​​and messages. We customize the style, tone and content of the comics to ensure they align with your brand identity and goals.

  • Which types of comics are there?

    In addition to the obvious superhero genre, the main genres of comics are: alternative / esoteric, business, manga, science fiction, fantasy, action / adventure, horror, humor, romantic comics.

    Superhero comics and horror comics are currently the most popular.