Animated videos and corporate communication
Corporate communication and video. Levende Streg has had the pleasure of making an animation video for Ergoterapeutforeningen (Association of Occupational Therapists). A film that explains the overall narrative – and becomes the backbone of the members’ self-understanding of the Association of Occupational Therapists.
Part of campaign about the core story
The core story of the Association of Occupational Therapists is part of a campaign for members, key decision-makers, politicians, stakeholders and practitioners. A campaign to create a foundation for a new self-understanding. A new self-understanding of what occupational therapists can offer. What their everyday work life consists of – and how they help people.
Corporate communication and animation film
Animation movies are a perfect medium to explain your core story in a warm and appealing way. And a way that’s easy to understand. Such a core story video can even be used both on social media such as Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram – and on the company’s website.
But it may well require courage to try out animation films. Because in some companies (often the companies that have a proud and conservative tradition) there are fears of not being taken seriously when using an animation film to explain the companies’ basic narrative. However, our experience has clearly shown us that even the most serious and proud companies benefit greatly from a professional animation film.
Cartoons are popular in corporate communication
And cartoons are increasingly used internally and externally by companies to get the core story out. The videos are used to visualize everything from business strategies, product development, user travel, employee learning – and of course to external branding, recruitment and advertising.
Corporate communication targeted your main audience
The video for the Association of Occupational Therapists is made as a full color animation video with easily recognizable protagonists, to visualize to story. This makes the corporate communication clear and recognizable. The characters and their challenges reflect the people that occupational therapists typically help. In this way, the video is adapted to the occupational therapists’ own understanding – and the reality they encounter in their everyday lives. It is also adapted to decision makers, politicians and stakeholders.