Graphic facilitation
From idea to action
Graphic facilitation is an innovative method to visualize complex ideas and concepts in a simple and engaging way.
By combining artistic techniques with strategic thinking, we can facilitate meetings and workshops and create visual minutes that improve the understanding and memory of your employees and customers.
You’re probably familiar with the expression “a picture is worth 1000 words. But in fact, studies show that a picture is worth more than 60,000 letters. That’s because your brain decodes visual information 60,000 times faster than it takes you to read text. And this is what you take advantage of when you use graphic facilitation.

The goal with graphic facilitation
The goal of graphic facilitation is to create a common understanding and commitment in your organization.
By making complex ideas and strategies visual, we can improve communication and ensure that all employees understand and can act on the important messages.
Visualization makes it easier to remember and share information, which strengthens collaboration and efficiency in your business
Why use graphic facilitation?
Companies often use graphic facilitation to show managers, stakeholders, stakeholders and employees what the dream scenario looks like and how to reach the desired goal. The process is also called co-creation.
With graphic facilitation, you can gather messages, information and knowledge in one visual format – so that everyone can see “the big picture”.

Graphic facilitation makes visible a company’s goals, processes and visions through imagery. It makes complex strategic concepts, must-win battles and core elements tangible and understandable for all employees and promotes shared understanding and commitment.
Graphical facilitation provides a common language and a common understanding.It is easier to talk about something when it is made concrete and tangible.

We hear it over and over as feedback. The participants of a graphic facilitation often end up becoming much wiser about their own vision or topic when they see it visualized!
Graphic facilitation can also be called strategic visualization, and that type of visualization is very effective, regardless of whether you want to communicate internally, across all levels or communicate externally.

At Levende Streg, we are experts in graphic facilitation. We offer a wide range of services, including live drawing events, remote live drawing, and customized visualizations adapted to your needs.
Our experience and creative approach ensure that your message is conveyed in an engaging and effective way. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help your business with graphic facilitation.
Your graphic facilitation event?
More and more companies are using graphic facilitation to visualize and facilitate their conferences, strategy launches, meetings and events. But what exactly is graphic facilitation?
Graphic facilitation – or live drawing – is a creative and entertaining way to make your message and content interesting to look at, easy to understand – and easy to remember. This is done using graphic facilitation, drawing and icons which simplify complex content.

Remember 65% more with sketchnoting
Studies have shown that a group that doodled during a test remembered 29 percent more information than those who didn’t. Then imagine how much better the memory becomes when the pictures relate to what you are reading about.
The use of visual elements during meetings has also been shown to generate more and better ideas as well as increase the memory of what was discussed. One study found that participants who read only text remembered 10 percent of what they read after three days. Those who saw text paired with pictures remembered 65 percent of the information three days later.
This is something that most people understand intuitively – just like when we as children saw the eminent illustrator Jørgen Clevín draw and talk on DR 1. Graphic facilitation is based on this same basic understanding: visual elements improve understanding, memory and engagement.

What is graphic facilitation?
Graphic facilitation is a process where complex ideas and concepts are visualized using drawings and graphic elements. It is often used during meetings, workshops and presentations to create a visual record that makes it easier for participants to understand, remember and engage with the information.
What is the process with a live scribe?
With graphic facilitation, you can gather messages, information and knowledge in one visual format – so that everyone can see “the big picture”. The benefits of graphic facilitation include increased clarity, better engagement, and a shared understanding that makes it easier for everyone to work toward the same goals.
In this way, we from Levende Streg, together with managers, stakeholders, stakeholders and employees, are all involved in the collaboration on what the dream scenario looks like – and how we can formulate it in the best possible way.
First contact - free consultation
You call or write to us - and we talk through what you need. The initial meeting is of course free, and we can advise you as best as possible on what the best solution is for you and your event.
Additional products
Here you can see our most popular additions in connection with live drawing events.

Image library
You can purchase an image library, which is all the drawings from “the big drawing”. Many of our customers do.
The drawings are subsequently delivered in a folder structure, so that you can use all graphics and drawings afterwards for presentations and the like.

Digital version
Virtually all of our customers purchase a digital version of the large drawing (or several large drawings) from their graphic facilitation event.
The digital images can be easily shared and sent out to participants, used on social media and for internal communication, etc.

Screen recording
Some of our customers would also like to have their event recorded on video. That is possible too.
If your event takes place on a screen, you can purchase a small clipped screen recording (a video sped up in time).
Digital sketchnoting?
What does it look like when it takes place remotely and digitally? Actually, the process is the same, but just on screen. We can draw both remotely (ie from another location) and digitally (either on iPad or drawing screen). Here you see a screen recording (which has been sped up in time).
Book a graphic facilitator
Many companies spend a long time designing their strategy so that it becomes tangible, sharp and easy to understand.
Nevertheless, the strategy work often ends up as a collection of platitudes and common phrases that only top management understands. This is where graphic facilitation comes into play.
Visual is 60.000 times faster

Graphical facilitation is very useful for visualizing a strategy, streamlining processes and creating an overview of complex workflows or processes.
Your brain is visual. And it decodes, understands and remembers images much better than text.
With a visualization, you experience that common ground and understanding of your message is quickly created.
Share and remember

When a strategy is drawn and produced visually LIVE – it always attracts an audience and naturally becomes a starting point for conversation and networking.
It is very much about 1. Appeal, 2. Comprehension and 3. Retention (memory). And there visualizations and pictures are excellent.
Graphic facilitation is nice and appealing to look at, creates understanding and can be remembered and retold.
This is precisely why we find that many people want to share drawings from an event – and they therefore get their own life online.
Create the best overview

Visualization a useful tool to make your pointer visible – whether online or in analogue form.
We find that our customers become much sharper on all their keypoints when they have seen them visualized. All of a sudden, all text and talk has become tangible, executable and understandable.
Therefore, all your messages will be sharper and will be easier to remember and pass on.
Visualization simply brings your messages to life.
The drawing effect?
Studies show that we humans can remember and understand 65% more when we see it drawn or draw it ourselves. This is also the reason why graphic facilitation and sketchnoting have become popular.
Indeed, drawing incorporates three different types of experience: the semantic experience (i.e. the internal visual generation = translating a word into a series of visual elements), the motor-activating experience (the planned movement of your hand when you draw), and the visual experience (you see the drawing).
need an animated video?
Contact us now
Levende Streg can help you tell your company’s stories. We specialize in understanding your core area and translating it into an easily understandable and engaging world of drawings and animation.
Our animated videos are used both internally on various intranets and externally on websites, digital channels, TV screens, YouTube, and so on. The entire production takes place in-house at Levende Streg.

Maria Prohazka / CEO
(+45) 2818 8586

Marie Buus / Managing Partner
(+45) 2658 7434
FAQ - Graphic facilitation
- What is graphic facilitation?
Graphic facilitation, also called visual facilitation, is an internationally recognized tool used to convey complex content visually. The term graphic facilitation includes both the method itself (how you can convey visions, strategies or processes with quick visualizations), but the term is also used for the part that others call graphic recording, live drawing or visual reports, namely when the illustrator or graphic facilitator draws in a meeting or conference while talking about a topic.
- What can I use graphic facilitation for in my company?
Graphic facilitation - or live drawing - creates an overview and is an entertaining way to make your message and content alive, shareable and exciting to look at, easy to understand, easy to remember and easy to follow and pass on. This is precisely why this type of visualization is being used more and more by both Danish and foreign companies in e.g. work with strategies, visions and change management.
- How much is the pricing for graphic facilitation?
You book an illustrator or facilitator for your event, whether it is live (analog) or online (digital) for half or a full day. It costs DKK 12,500 (+VAT) for half a day - and DKK 20,500 (+VAT) for a full day. In addition, possibly transport / mileage allowance and possibly catering.
- Where can I read more about graphic facilitation?
You can read more about graphic facilitation here on the site under our blog and under our customer cases. At the same time, can be a good source of tools if you want to step out as a facilitator yourself. At Levende Streg, we also teach graphic facilitation - and you are always welcome to give us a call so we can help you further.ld
- Which types of visualization are there?
There are many forms of visualization. First of all, it is important to distinguish whether something is a static visualization (like a drawing or photograph) or whether it is moving (like a movie or an animation). However, digital comics fall in between these two scenarios, as comics are sequential storytelling - but still not moving images.
Next, it is important to distinguish between whether the visualization is in 3D or in 2D.
In principle, a strategic visualization can be anything from an animated film to a digital and clickable cartoon, a live drawing event, a drawing, a photograph or an animated gif. Limited only by imagination.