Effective Process Facilitation: Your Key to Successful Projects

The key to successful projects

Process facilitation is about leading a team or group through a structured process so they achieve their goals effectively.

A skilled facilitator creates the framework and manages the interaction so the participants can focus on the content and cooperate optimally.

At Levende Streg, we specialize in helping companies navigate through their processes in a structured and engaging way.

Visualize your process

Visualizing your process from the start creates clarity and commitment.

Process Facilitation

When faced with communicating complex processes, visual tools and simple graphics can be essential. By using illustrations and metaphors, you can make complicated topics easier to understand and create a common understanding among the participants.

Levende Streg are experts in process facilitation for companies.

Process facilitation provides effective management

Effective management is not only about steering a company in the right direction, but also about ensuring that all employees are engaged and working towards common goals.

Process facilitation is a powerful tool that helps leaders navigate complex challenges, create clarity and ensure that strategic initiatives turn into concrete actions.It gives managers the necessary tools to structure meetings, workshops and strategy sessions in a way that promotes participation and ownership among employees.

By using visual techniques and templates, managers can make complex ideas more understandable and actionable. This helps create a common understanding.

Process facilitation in your organization

Managers can use process facilitation in many different contexts, such as strategic planning, project management, change management and developing corporate culture. By integrating visual templates and techniques, they can create a more dynamic and engaging work process that not only increases efficiency, but also employee satisfaction.

It creates clarity and commitment to visualize your process from the start. A clear visual or graphical representation helps your team see the entire process and understand their roles and responsibilities.

Process facilitation is an organized and structured method of guiding and supporting a group of people (your team) through various activities or processes to achieve specific goals.

It usually involves the use of a facilitator or process manager who is responsible for creating and maintaining positive and effective group dynamics.

Workshop and Co-creation

Process illustrations are powerful tools for creating understanding and engagement. By using images and graphics, you can make complex processes or strategies more accessible and easy to follow.

Dedicated: Our cartoonists support your moderator, event manager or facilitator. But we can also facilitate if you wish. We co-create with your specialists. In this way, all perspectives become visible.

Process facilitation in practice - the customer journey

Mapping: Start by mapping all the touchpoints where the customer interacts with the company, both online and offline.

Phases: The customer journey is divided into phases, such as attention, consideration, purchase, delivery, and post-purchase. For each stage, we identify the customer’s goals, actions, emotions and the touchpoints they interact with.

We can e.g. use diagrams and flowcharts to visualize the customer journey.

It can help identify bottlenecks, pain points and opportunities for improvement. Visual tools such as customer journey maps make it easier to communicate and understand the customer’s experience.

Course in process facilitation

Boost your efficiency with a course in process facilitation!

At Levende Streg, we offer courses in process facilitation, designed to equip managers, project managers and team members with the necessary tools and techniques to lead effective meetings and workshops.

Our courses are tailored to your team’s needs and focus on practical skills and applicable methods that can be implemented directly into your daily workflow.

Through a combination of theory and hands-on exercises, you learn how to structure processes, promote participation, and use visual tools to make complex ideas more accessible and actionable.

Participants gain insight into how to create commitment and ownership among team members, improve decision-making, and ensure effective implementation of strategies and plans.

Process facilitation model?

Managers can use process facilitation in many different contexts, such as strategic planning, project management, change management and developing corporate culture.

By integrating visual templates and techniques, they can create a more dynamic and engaging work process that not only increases efficiency, but also employee satisfaction.


Dit facilitatorhjul: Balance mellem JEG, VI og DET

Facilitatorhjulet består af tre grundlæggende elementer: JEG, VI og DET. Opgaven som procesfacilitator er at skabe balance mellem disse elementer.

  1. JEG: Ledelse og rolle som facilitator.
  2. VI: Håndtering af gruppens dynamik og samarbejde.
  3. DET: Anvendelse af teknikker og redskaber til at understøtte processen.

For at opnå effektiv facilitering og procesledelse skal du kontinuerligt justere og balancere disse tre aspekter i forhold til konteksten og det konkrete mål.

Når du formår at skabe denne balance, vil facilitatorhjulet dreje ubesværet, hvilket danner grundlaget for en vellykket facilitering.

Linear process

A linear process is a sequential approach where each step leads to the next. It makes it easy to plan and track progress as each phase is clearly defined and follows a logical sequence.Visualizing a linear process can help identify milestones and stay focused on the goal.

This type of process is ideal for projects with clearly defined goals and fixed steps, such as product development, project management and implementation of new systems.By using a linear approach, you can ensure that all team members are aware of their responsibilities and the specific steps that need to be taken to achieve the end goal.

Advantages of a linear process

  • Clear Structure
  • Time management
  • Accountability

Circular (iterative) process

A circular process is more dynamic and often involves repetition and feedback loops.It is important to visualize the elements of the process so that everyone can see how they contribute to the overall goal.

This type of process is ideal for projects that require continuous adaptation and adjustment, such as quality improvement initiatives, agile development projects, and strategic planning processes.

By using a circular approach, you can ensure that feedback is continuously integrated, leading to constant improvement and adaptation.

Advantages of a circular iterative process

  • Flexibility
  • Continuous
  • Improvement
  • Holistic view

Remember 65% more

New studies show that participants who read only text remember 10 percent of what they read after three days. Those who see text paired with images remember 65 percent of the information three days later.

Remember 65% drawn
Remember 10% read

Studies have shown that a group that doodled during a test remembered 29 percent more information than those who didn’t. How much better it is if the pictures relate to what you are reading about.

Your project could look like this

More and more companies make use of the facilitation of their processor – because it creates better communication.

3 Tips: Use these measures in your Change Process

A change process can be challenging, but by visualizing each step, you can make it easier for the team to understand and engage.

Create clear drawings, images or graphics that show the way through the change, and use metaphors to make the process more concrete.


Re-contextualisation, or shifting the context, is a powerful strategy in innovation and creative thinking.

It allows us to see old problems with new eyes and find unexpected solutions by breaking out of traditional thought patterns.


De-familiarisation is about presenting familiar objects, ideas or experiences in a new and often unexpected way, so that they are perceived as fresh and unfamiliar.

This can challenge our habitual perceptions and create a deeper understanding or new insight.


Juxtaposition involves placing two or more ideas or concepts next to each other to highlight contrasts or similarities.

By juxtaposing elements that are not normally connected, contrasts, surprising connections, and new perspectives and insights are created.

Do you need process facilitation?

Levende Streg can help you tell your company’s stories and get your messages across to your reciever.

We are specialists in familiarizing ourselves with your core area and getting it translated into an easy-to-understand and interesting universe of drawings and animation.

Our process facilitations are used both internally and externally.

Maria Prohazka

Marie Buus


  • What is process facilitation?

    Process facilitation is about leading a group through a structured process to achieve their goals effectively. A facilitator creates the framework and controls the interaction so that the participants can focus on the content and cooperate optimally.

  • Why is process facilitation important?

    Process facilitation is important because it helps structure complex discussions, create engagement and ensure that everyone actively participates. This leads to better decision making, more efficient meetings and increased collaboration.

  • Do you have workshops in process facilitation?

    Yes, Levende Streg has workshops in process facilitation - tailormade for your company. Give us a call and let us help you.

    At the same time, we do process facilitation for companies.

  • How can I learn process facilitation?

    You can learn process facilitation by taking a process facilitation course, reading books and manuals on the subject, and practicing through practical exercises and workshops. Levende Streg offers courses and resources to help you get started.

  • What are some good exercises for process facilitation?

    Some good process facilitation exercises include brainstorming sessions, group discussions, problem solving and feedback rounds. These exercises help improve facilitation skills and create better collaboration in groups.

  • What does a process facilitator do?

    A visual process facilitator combines the roles of traditional facilitation with the powerful impact of visual elements to guide groups through meetings, workshops, and strategic sessions.

    This professional uses visual tools like drawings, diagrams, mind maps, and graphic recordings to capture and organize information in real-time. By doing so, they make complex ideas more accessible and memorable for participants.

    The visual process facilitator starts by understanding the group's objectives and designing a process that aligns with these goals.

    During sessions, they create visual representations of the discussions, ideas, and decisions, which helps to clarify and enhance understanding among participants. This visual approach not only aids in maintaining focus and engagement but also fosters better communication and collaboration.

    By translating verbal information into visual formats, the facilitator ensures that all participants can see and understand the flow of the conversation, making it easier to identify connections, patterns, and key insights. This method supports diverse thinking styles, helps to resolve conflicts by making different viewpoints visible, and builds consensus more effectively.

    Ultimately, a visual process facilitator helps groups to navigate complex problems, make informed decisions, and create actionable plans, leading to improved outcomes and enhanced team performance. Their unique ability to blend facilitation skills with visual thinking makes them an invaluable asset in any collaborative setting.

  • How to run a facilitation session?

    Running a visual facilitation session involves several key steps to blend traditional facilitation techniques with visual elements, enhancing engagement, understanding, and collaboration:


    1. Define Objectives: Clearly outline the session’s goals, whether it's problem-solving, brainstorming, strategic planning, or decision-making.
    2. Plan the Agenda: Create a structured agenda with time allocations for each topic or activity.
    3. Gather Materials: Prepare necessary materials like large sheets of paper, markers, sticky notes, and digital tools for virtual sessions.
    4. Set Up the Space: Arrange the physical or virtual space to encourage participation and ensure visibility of visual elements.

    During the Session:

    1. Introduction: Start with an introduction to the session’s objectives, agenda, and the role of visual facilitation.
    2. Establish Ground Rules: Set ground rules for respectful and productive participation.
    3. Engage Participants: Use icebreakers or initial activities to engage participants and build rapport.
    4. Facilitate Discussion: Guide the discussion, keeping it focused on the objectives, and use open-ended questions to elicit ideas.
    5. Visual Recording: Capture ideas visually using drawings, diagrams, mind maps, and other tools, highlighting key points and connections.
    6. Encourage Interaction: Involve participants in the visual process, inviting them to add to visuals or draw connections.
    7. Manage Dynamics: Ensure balanced participation and address any conflicts constructively.
    8. Summarize and Reflect: Periodically summarize the discussion using visual elements to consolidate understanding and identify gaps.

    Closing the Session:

    1. Review Outcomes: Review the key outcomes and decisions captured visually, ensuring alignment on next steps.
    2. Gather Feedback: Ask for feedback on the session and the visual facilitation process to improve future sessions.
    3. Follow-Up: Share the visual records with participants as a reference for the session’s outcomes
  • What is the facilitation process model?

    Facilitation is the art of guiding people through processes to achieve agreed-upon outcomes, fostering participation, ownership, and creativity from everyone involved. Simply put, it encompasses the skills and practices needed to lead group activities effectively.

    The facilitation process model is a framework that guides facilitators in leading groups through discussions, decision-making, and problem-solving activities. It typically encompasses both linear and circular processes.

    The linear process involves sequential steps that lead a group from the initial stage of setting objectives through to the final stage of action planning and implementation. This structured approach ensures that each phase builds on the previous one, providing clear direction and progress.

    On the other hand, the circular process emphasizes continuous feedback, reflection, and iterative improvement. This model allows for revisiting earlier stages based on new insights or changing circumstances, fostering adaptability and ongoing learning. By integrating both linear and circular elements, the facilitation process model ensures thorough and flexible guidance for achieving group objectives.

  • What is the difference between a linear and a circular process?

    A linear process is a sequential approach where each step leads to the next, ideal for projects with clearly defined goals. A circular process is more dynamic and often involves iterations and feedback loops, making it suitable for projects that require continuous evaluation and adjustment.

  • How to visualize a linear process?

    A linear process is visualized using straight shapes and arrows that show the right path towards the goal. This helps identify milestones and keep focus on progress.

  • How to visualize a circular process?

    A circular process is visualized using circles and repeating patterns that show how the elements of the process contribute to the overall goal. This illustrates feedback loops and ongoing adaptations.

  • What is a customer journey and how can it be visualized?

    A customer journey is a detailed description of a customer's experience with a company. It can be visualized by mapping all touchpoints, dividing the journey into phases, and using diagrams and flowcharts to illustrate each phase.