When working with corporate storytelling we usually work with 6 archetypes of stories. Stories are not just a fluffy blur of hot air. Stories are an integral part of our everyday lives.

At the same time, stories pass on values, and they define what good and bad behavior is. Therefore storytelling is a socialization tool too. And stories give a good feel or picture of an organization, a family or a collaboration.

Storytelling in your business

Corporate communication usually means creating information filled with hard facts and numbers -distributed out and down in the company. But storytelling allows your recipient to really perceive what this data actually means for them. A good story can create resonance in your target audience.

Related: Why you should use storytelling your company

The different archetypes

There are different archetypes in corporate storytelling that allow you to get different types of messages communicated our or down in your organization. When you know the goal of your communication, you can decide on what kind of story you want to tell.

“Who are we?”

People need to know who you are as a person – and what company you work for, before they can trust you and your business.

“Why are we here?”

When people know you are in the game to sell an idea or product that will cost them money, time or resources – your information is already discredited and your recipient has a biased opinion about you. That’s why you tell this type of story.


Certain things in life are best learned from experience. But since you can not transport people to live through a certain experience for real – to understand and learn, the next best thing is to tell a story communicating your core message.

Your vision

Large projects and new strategies can be challenging to implement and structure – and they can soak the energy out of even the most outstanding team. Therefore, you should tell this kind of story to get the buy-in you need.

Values in action

Values are always subjective. You need to explain specifically how your values are expressed and comes to life in everyday life. So if you want to encourage your employees to be more customer oriented, you can illustrate and explain specifically what you want them to do.

I know what you think

In this type of story you divide your recipient’s secret thoughts or suspicions about you – and then remove their objections.

How to get started

It can be difficult to find out what type of story you need to tell. The best way to get started is to uncover the GOAL for your communication. What do you want to achieve with your communication?

We created this simple communication model to help you!

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