Graphic facilitator Copenhagen

Do you need a Graphic Facilitator in Copenhagen? Levende Streg is the perfect agency to book if you need one or more professional illustrators specializing in graphic facilitation and strategic visualizations for businesses. Our team is composed of highly skilled illustrators who bring creativity and expertise to every project, ensuring captivating live illustrations that engage […]

Graphic Recording Copenhagen

grafisk facilitering / graphic recording Levende Streg

Are you struggling to communicate your ideas or business strategy effectively? Then graphic facilitation might be the solution for you – and Levende Streg (headquartered in Copenhagen) can help. Graphic Facilitation in Copenhagen? Graphic facilitation is a technique where visual aids are used to improve communication and understanding of your ideas or strategy. The facilitator […]

The Power of Graphic Facilitation Icons

grafisk-facilitering-ikoner Levende Streg

A Visual Language That Transcends Borders In a world where visual communication is key, graphic facilitation icons have become a powerful tool in the arsenal of modern communicators. The use of visual language transcends borders and is particularly effective in today’s globalized world. In this article, we will explore the world of graphic facilitation icons, […]

Colors and Contrast as a Design Principle

Colors and contrast can be a confusing topic once you start learning about it. How do you actually make a good color theme? Which colors go together? Is there a safe choice? What are primary and secondary colors? And what about complementary colors? Precisely because it can be a bit confusing, colors are at the […]

Color theory – colors of the rainbow?


Most of us have tried drawing a rainbow. But maybe it’s hard to remember what order the different colors come in. And is it really important at all? In fact, the colors of the rainbow are not only absolutely essential to know when it comes to both color theory and color theory (think for example […]

Digital visualization


Digital visualization and digital meetings and events have gone from being a necessary evil to now being the preferred standard of many companies. Around the world, the pandemic has set in motion enormous changes – both in our personal lives, but also at work. For many people, the last few months have been intense, and […]

Facilitation of vitual meetings

Remote graphic facilitation can spice up your virtual meetings and seminars. Virtual learning and digital communication are gaining momentum. But it can sometimes be difficult to know what to do as a company to make the virtual meetings interesting. And this is where digital graphic facilitation comes into play. Remote graphic facilitation So what exactly […]


Cartoons are used internally and externally by companies. The films are used to visualize everything from company strategies, product development, user journeys, employee learning – and of course to external branding, recruitment and advertising. But why do cartoons have such a positive effect on us? Why do we think they are fun and interesting to […]


Animation videos can solve your company’s challenges with violating GDPR rules. We have all read or heard about GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) that EU introduced – and which came into force in May 2018. But what does it have to do with animation videos and illustration? GDPR – what’s it all about? Very simply […]


Live drawing – live illustrators in Denmark. There is a great need for artists and illustrators who can draw “live”. On Levende Streg we’re experiencing a huge demand for illustrators to draw at live drawing events. In visual communication we refer to “appeal”, “comprehension” and “retention”. This is precisely what live drawing has to offer. And […]