How to draw – learn from a professional

Did you know that people who draw regularly have an easier time solving problems?

Drawing? Isn’t that just for kids? New studies show that people become better at problem solving when they draw regularly.

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When faced with complex problems, drawing and graphic facilitation help you with problem solving by externalizing your thoughts and visually mapping connections, making abstract concepts more tangible.

This visual representation often reveals patterns, relationships, and gaps that may not be as apparent through traditional verbal or text-based approaches.

Visualization allows you to approach challenges from a new perspective and break down barriers that hinder innovative thinking.

A drawing course for your employees targeted at anyone who has an interest in drawing – regardless of level. This applies both to experienced people, but also to the same extent to beginners, who can learn a lot by taking a drawing course.

Learn how to draw today.

What is a drawing course?

A drawing course is perfect for those who want to learn to draw in your company. The art of drawing can be difficult, and many people think that it is a gift that you are born with – It does not fit. It is about several different things.

Among other things, it’s about patience, but also the use of drawing techniques, which can help a lot on the way to a great result. You learn all this on a drawing course in graphic facilitation, where you are taught how to draw from A to Z.

Learn to draw with drawing course in graphic facilitation at living line, which can take place with physical presence, but we can also arrange it as an online drawing course. It depends on your wishes and needs.

Contact us today and take a drawing course in Copenhagen.

Want to learn?

We tailor the drawing course to suit your company.

Why should your company learn to draw?

Drawing is not only reserved for private individuals, on the contrary! Companies can use the art of drawing for many things. Especially when it comes to branding, identity and communication, where visuals play a role.

Companies can, among other things, use drawings, graphics and illustrations to support the storytelling that they want to tell with and through the company. If you manage to succeed in this, you can get top-of-mind with the consumer, who can then remember the company through the drawings.

In short, a drawing course is a good opportunity for businesses – Learn to draw and start drawing.

4 good tips when you have to draw

1: Turn off your inner critic

When you start drawing, don’t beat yourself up that your drawing is ugly or that it doesn’t look like you imagined. The beauty of drawing is that there is nothing wrong with it. You can draw with just the expression and with the naivety, originality or naturalism that you want. Simple and easy drawings can also be nice.

2. Don’t be afraid of the blank canvas

Many aspiring artists can be completely scared of the blank canvas or the white paper. Because what should you draw when you sit down to practice. But here you have to be brave. Because it’s not about what you draw – but about practicing again and again. You can also go to drawing lessons to improve.

3: Draw for the trash bin

Avoid stressing about drawing. Set out to draw at least one drawing for the wastebasket every day. If you draw based on the premise that you just have to throw it in the trash anyway, you will be pleasantly surprised when you finally draw something that you actually don’t want to throw away.

4: Lay out a piece of paper and a pencil or marker

Make it easier for yourself to get started by leaving a piece of paper and a pencil at the front of your home. That way, you don’t have to look for your drawing tool when the urge to draw arises.


With a pencil, you start by making a sketch on your paper.

You develop the sketch more and more until you have a fixed idea of ​​what you want to draw, how it should look and where on the paper the drawing should be placed.

Then you make your actual drawing by pressing a little harder with your pencil. At the same time, you draw in the details.

Then you create an outline and draw over your pencil line with your black marker.

Then you can whisper out your pencil lines.

Finally, you color your drawing.


Learn to draw in Copenhagen or online. We offer a drawing course in Copenhagen, where you can learn to draw. You can do this alone, but also in groups, where we offer different solutions. We can put together the right drawing course for you.



You decide that entirely yourself. We tailor a drawing course in Copenhagen or online. This means that you can take a drawing course online – whether you live in Copenhagen, Aarhus or Odense.

Our drawing course is tailored to your company and starts from what you want.

If your team is a beginner, we will start with the fundamentals of drawing. It can be teaching drawing techniques that make you better.

If you are more experienced, we will focus differently and provide concrete tools that can develop the level.

You can therefore draw easy drawings and easy drawings. If the level is good, you can also think of other ideas for possible drawings.

Contact us today and let’s talk about your wishes and needs in relation to a drawing course.

Want to learn?

We tailor the drawing course to suit your needs.

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