
What our clients say

We are happy and proud of the cooperation with our customers. You can read some of our customer testimonials on this page. However, some of our customers are confidential.

Some of our awesome clients

Our Clients say

We are proud of all our projects and customers, and luckily our customers are also happy with what we do. See some statements below.

“As Managing Director at the consulting engineering company Dominia, I have had the pleasure of working with Levende Streg on process visualizations that effectively communicate our sometimes complex construction cases.

Levende Streg has managed to capture the essence of our processes and made them easy to understand for both our customers, stakeholders and business partners. The process visualizations are e.g. useful when we have to explain how schedules and milestones can shift in projects.

I can highly recommend Levende Streg to companies that need to communicate complex processes in a clear and visually understandable way.”

Dominia – Process facilitation
Morten Stahlschmidt, CEO

For our 100th anniversary in 2023, the Levende Streg team enriched our event with remote live drawing that captured the essence of our celebration in a unique and memorable way. It was a fine and dynamic feature that caught the participants’ interest, because remote live drawing involves people. Levende Streg’s creative abilities to visualize our history and highlights live made them a central highlight of our anniversary. We highly recommend them for their talent and professionalism.

Audiologopædisk Forening
Karina Grønnemose

Levende Streg has been an excellent collaboration partner, and the final product can only be described as extremely satisfactory.

The high quality, clear communication and distinguished ability to empathize that Levende Streg has stood for make them worthy of recommendation.

CBS Students
Jesper Mårtensen, projektleder

Levende Streg has turned my book ‘Go West – Danish startups in Silicon Valley’ into a graphic masterpiece. The collaboration has been a real pleasure, where Levende Streg has provided good insights, professional knowledge, great inspiration and their very special touch.

Væksthus Region Hovedstaden
Mette Sandgaard

Levende Streg delivered an impressive speed drawing session of the history of one of Novo Nordisk’s development projects. They were quick to familiarize themselves with the details of the project and very professional and flexible to work with – both before and during the event.

We are looking forward to getting the beautiful result framed so that it can be hung in the office!

Novo Nordisk
Jane Kynde, Senior Project Assistant

For us it has been a successful project, partly because of the good project plan that Levende Streg made and because they kept us up to date on it. We have received good feedback on the video both internally from our partners and externally from our customers.

We have really enjoyed working with Levende Streg. They did a professional job and came up with good creative ideas in terms of drawings and script. We appreciated their flexibility, while keeping their input, which was important to create something that was more out of the box than our other marketing materials.

Levende Streg quickly captured what we wanted and wanted to achieve with the video.

Master International
Norbert Mörtl, Owner

I can only give Levende Streg my highest recommendation if you need to have a speed drawing video made. I worked with Maria Prohazka on a video for the public management training.She is skilled, professional and creative, and she confidently manages the process from start to finish.

Kommunernes Landsforening
Rasmus Onslev Kremmer, Journalist

Levende Streg is a highly professional team that delivers high-quality speed drawing videos.

Praktiserende Lægers Organisation
Claus Christoffersen, Kommunikationschef

At Levende Streg, we met the professional business partner we were looking for. They are always open to our ideas and we never get a no or it can’t be done. We get fantastic sparring and they handled our inquiry professionally from the first meeting, even though it wasn’t the biggest project to begin with.

They are flexible and work quickly, so we always get our product on time. We are very happy about the collaboration.

Hilti Danmark
Sara From, Marketing og Kommunikations koordinator

In connection with holding a 2-day seminar for 80 project and construction managers in the Technical and Environmental Administration, Levende Streg produced 4 small animation films for the presentation of 4 cases. It was a very positive process that can be highly recommended.

Levende Streg delivered – despite a very tight schedule – 4 really fine films on time. The films were a fun feature that helped give a boost to the presentations and support the message in the 4 cases that had to be worked on at the seminar.

Københavns Kommune
Jane Hegner Mortensen, Projektleder

We should have made a cartoon that could help convey a complex political message in a simple way, and Levende Streg has solved that task for us. We have had a good collaboration from start to finish.

Levende Streg has been available throughout, solution-oriented, structured and creative at the same time. Therefore, it was possible to make a fine film in a short time. We can certainly recommend others to put their cartoons in the hands of Levende Streg.

Dansk Sygeplejeråd
Maria Jørvad, Kommunikationsmedarbejder

When you become a customer of Status, we hold an introductory meeting of almost 2 hours to give our customers a thorough introduction and explanation of our concept. We wanted to be able to narrate this meeting in a compressed and easily understandable form. In collaboration with Levende Streg, we succeeded in boiling down an extensive material and complex substance to an approx. 3 minute cartoon.

The collaboration has worked excellently, the ideas have been good and creative, the project management skilled, and our input and wishes have been listened to. We are very satisfied with the result and can only recommend Levende Streg as a business partner.

Peder Bay-Jensen, Direktør (

We contacted Levende Streg as we needed to develop a product video. It later developed into three videos and then a fourth, as we were very satisfied with the collaboration.

Maria and Marie are both professional, structured and skilled at their craft. They had a good understanding of our otherwise complex product and we felt safe throughout the process. A realistic project plan had been drawn up together with time for feedback on the script, storyboard and speech, and they were good at following up after each ‘sprint’ and reminding us of deadlines.

We would therefore highly recommend a collaboration with Levende Streg.

e-nettet A/S
Lene Højmark, marketingmedarbejder

In Frederiksberg Municipality’s Prevention Area, we needed to visualize our internal strategy so that the written word did not stand alone. In the course of a few telephone meetings, Levende Streg solved the task in the finest way and within the budget. Our visualization of the strategy has received many praises in our department, and has made it easier as management to make visible the work with our common core task.

Frederiksberg Kommune
Irene Harboe Brandt, Teamleder

In collaboration with Levende Streg, we have produced a 2-minute video that explains common challenges within Performance Management in companies worldwide.

The video combines humor and seriousness in a very balanced way. Ensuring clear messages within a complex area succeeded extremely well for Levende Streg.

The project process was very structured and made it very easy to be a customer. All milestones were reached on time in the agreed quality. I can warmly recommend Levende Streg as a video supplier to others.

Jonas Bjerre Balmer, seniorkonsulent invited Levende Streg to give a presentation to our network of partners, all of whom work with municipal, regional or national communication. In addition to being well prepared, energetic and sympathetic, Levende Streg helped to challenge our thoughts and inform us about digital trends. We were given concrete and clear guidelines for ‘dos ​​and don’ts’ if we want to reach our target groups – especially in relation to the use of video.
Therese K. Thorstholm, Bruger- og netværkskonsulent

I have been really happy with the collaboration with Levende Streg. They have a professional approach and have worked effectively to achieve the task, which was a cartoon about the EU school scheme for fruit, vegetables and milk. The result fully lives up to expectations.

Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet
Sannah Plenaa Thorngreen, Fuldmægtig


  • How to start working with us?

    The easiest way to start a collaboration with us is to call us or send us an email.

    Next, we set up a meeting (online or face-to-face) where we talk through what challenges you have that you would like our take on.

    You can read more about our process and the way we work.

  • Do you only take in large projects?

    We take on projects of all sizes. Both large and small.

    Common to the projects we take on is that we can use our expertise in visualisation, storytelling and often also animation.

    We are used to diving into complex corporate strategies, messages, change processes and so on and getting them translated into visual communication that can do more than just look good.

  • Is our project too small for Levende streg?

    The short answer is no! We work with many different types of customers in many different types of industries. And there are both huge projects and smaller projects.

    Common to the projects we take on is that we can use our expertise in visual communication, visualization and storytelling (and often also animation).

    So give us a call and let's talk your project through.

  • Why co-creation?

    Co-creation is a way of working where companies, customers and suppliers collaborate to create.

    There are many advantages to co-creation, such as increased productivity, reduced costs, exploring new business models, faster innovation and achieving a competitive advantage through unique interactions and experiences that are difficult for competitors to replicate.

  • What is visual communication?

    Visual communication can be many different things - from an animation video to a comic book or a drawn strategy.

    Overall, visual communication is the process of conveying messages and information (eg ideas, instructions, data or other types of information) through drawings or graphics instead of only text or sound.

    We actually published a book on visual communication - "Visual Communication - See What I Mean?" at Hans Reitzel's publishing house, which you can buy at Saxo, among other places.

  • Why is visual communication so important for companies?

    We are visual. This means that visual ways of communicating work best for us. We understand communication that uses visual means much better than e.g. text only.

    Studies show that 50% of all people prefer visual content to understand information more effectively. People prefer e.g. watching video rather than reading.

    A survey by Forbes shows that 59% of senior executives prefer to watch a video rather than read text.

    This means that visual communication is not only important in your workplace - it is also beneficial for all people - in all situations.

    Therefore, it is most effective if you present information and communication in a visually appealing and clear way.