Optimize your Marketing with an animated GIF

Boost Online Engagement

An animated GIF can quickly become eye-catching in an otherwise busy news feed, because animated images capture attention more effectively than static images.

If you use gif animations on your social channels or landing pages, it can increase the engagement of your followers and visitors. We humans are much more likely to interact with content that moves and tells a story.

Create understanding

Animated GIFs facilitate understanding and make it easier to remember important points

Visual communication that works fast

GIF animations can quickly convey a message or emotion, which is ideal for reaching users with short attention spans.

An animated GIF can communicate in seconds what might take a text several minutes to explain.


A good animated GIF is easy to share, which can increase your business’s visibility and reach.

When a GIF is exciting, funny, informative or emotionally relatable, people are more likely to share it with their networks, which can lead to the viral spread of your message.

It’s all about the good narrative and about creating recognition and emotions in your recipient.

The brain is visual

Did you know that the average person remembers 80 percent of what they see, 10 percent of what they hear, and 20 percent of what they read!

We remember 80% of what we see!
We remember 10% of what we hear!
We remember 20% of what we read!

How to make a good gif animation?

For an animated GIF to be effective, there are certain elements that must be included and certain rules that you should follow:

Relevance and Target Group

Make sure the content of the animated GIF is relevant to your target audience and fits the context in which it is being used.

Clear message

A gif animation should quickly and clearly convey the desired message. Avoid unnecessary details and focus on the core of your message.

Visual appeal

A well-designed animated GIF should be visually appealing and hold viewers’ attention from start to finish.

Loop animation

A good loop animation without notches or pauses ensures a more pleasant user experience.

A well-executed gif loop can grab viewers’ attention and hold it, giving your message more time to sink in.

Animated Meme

Use animated memes to add a fun or viral element to your marketing campaigns.

Memes are already popular on the internet, and by animating them, you can increase their appeal even more.

Gif Video

Consider using elements from gif video to add depth and dimension to your animated GIFs.

A gif video can be a more detailed animation that gives the viewer a richer experience.


Make sure your animated images are visually appealing, have clear messages, and fit your target audience to maximize their effectiveness.

An effective use of gif animation, animated clips, animated memes, and gif loops can elevate your marketing and create a lasting impact.

To get the most out of your animated GIFs, consider the following tips:

Integration on social media

Use animated GIFs and looping gifs in social media posts – to make them more appealing. They can be used to introduce new products, share behind-the-scenes moments, or just to add some fun to your feed. You can also dive deeper with a longer gif.

On landing pages

An animated GIF can add life to your website and make it more interactive. Use dynamic images and loop animations on landing pages, product descriptions, or in blog posts to make the content more engaging and catchy.

Animated GIF in e-mail marketing

A well-placed animated GIF in an email can increase click-through rates and engagement. Make sure they are not too heavy so the email still loads quickly.

Do you need an animated GIF?

Including animated GIFs in your company’s online marketing strategy can be a powerful way to increase engagement, convey messages quickly and entertain your target audience.

Whether you use them on social media or on your website, a well-made animated GIF can be a valuable tool for attracting and retaining attention.

Maria Prohazka

Marie Buus

FAQ about animated gif

  • What is an animated GIF?

    An animated GIF is a digital image format that consists of several images or frames that are played back in sequence to create a short animation that doesn't take up much space.

    GIF stands for Graphic Interchange Format, and this type of file is known for its ability to display moving images in an efficient and easy way.

  • Pricing of an animated GIF

    The price of a loop gif or animated gif varies.

    What influences the budget is the duration, complexity of drawings and movement and language versions.

    The price is usually between DKK 3,000 - 10,000 (+VAT).

    Call us and explain what you need. Then we can give you a sharp price.

  • What is a meme?

    A meme is basically an idea or concept that is spread widely across the internet through various platforms.

    Memes are typically funny or satirical and are often accompanied by images, video, text or sound that encapsulate the idea or concept.

    The term "meme" was first coined by Richard Dawkins in his book "The Selfish Gene" in 1976. Here, Dawkins defined a meme as a cultural entity that is transmitted from one person to another through imitation.

    On SOME, memes are now widely used as a form of communication, entertainment or social/political commentary.

  • What are the advantages of a loop gif?

    Animated images capture attention more effectively than static images.

    An animated GIF can quickly become eye-catching in an otherwise busy news feed. And people are more likely to interact with content that moves and tells a story.

    GIF animations can quickly convey a message or emotion, which is ideal for reaching users with short attention spans.

    An animated GIF can communicate in seconds what might take a text several minutes to explain.

    A good animated GIF is easy to share, which can increase your business' visibility and reach.

    When a GIF is funny, informative or emotionally relatable, people are more likely to share it with their networks, which can lead to the viral spread of your message.

    Animated clips can be used for both entertainment and information sharing, making them versatile in marketing strategies. They can be used to explain products, share quick tips, or just to entertain and keep the audience engaged.