Animated explainer video
Levende Streg created an animated explainer video in collaboration with Dubex, the leading IT security specialist in Denmark.
The video displays Dubex Incident Response Team also known as DIRT, a special task force that helps companies when a security breach has put them out of the game.
The DIRT team has the right tools and knowledge to quickly identify the problem, stop the attack and get the business up and running again in a matter of hours.
Customers often refer to the DIRT team as a kind of ghost buster-team because they help companies overcome security threats. Thus the idea came to let the team enter the company as a SWAT team Mission Impossible style.
The video targets potential customers. The style is inspired by American explainer videos and adapted to the visual identity of Dubex.
More information
Read more about DIRT (in Danish).
Also read more about Dubex (in English).